
New ESG Consultation announced by European Banking Authority (EBA)

The European Banking Authority (EBA) announced a new consultation for banks on identifying, measuring and managing ESG risks, including setting plans to address risks arising from the EU’s transition to a climate-neutral economy. Requirements would include undertaking regular assessments of ESG risks through data analysis focusing on exposure, portfolio and scenario-based approaches. It is recommended […]

Eureka Financial’s ESG, SFDR and Sustainable Investing Course Nominated as Top 10 ESG Course

We are thrilled to share that our ESG, SFDR and Sustainable Finance course was selected as Top 10 ESG programmes in 2024 by FindCourses. It’s such an honour to be recognised for our effort to bring the education and awareness abbot the best sustainable practices into the financial sector and to nominated amongst Euronext and […]

Operational risk appetite and how to detect when your organisation is close to breach its pre-defined levels

By Manoj Kulwal, Eureka Financial Faculty An organisation may have several business units and the activities of each unit may be unique e.g. a bank may have a retail banking and commercial banking business units. Each business unit will be exposed to a set of risks that may influence its ability to achieve its objectives. […]

Calculating IRB formula for capital requirements in Basel II – The HangZhou Constant

By: Fred Vacelet, Eureka Financial Faculty The Basel II text, in its IRB (Internal Rating Based) formula for capital requirements, ignores a few unpleasant properties of the calculations when PDs are low: capital requirements negative, division by 0, non-monotonicity, to name but a few. Above a PD of 0.03% (the minimum for non-public entities), we […]

Corporate value destruction: economics versus corporate governance

By: Seamus Gillen, Eureka Financial Faculty I remember once discussing with George Alagiah, long-time journalist and BBC presenter, his views on value destruction. He said he had come to realise that ‘it all boiled down to economics’, which reminded me of President Clinton’s comment that “it’s the economy, stupid!” I had a different view, and […]

Eureka Financial launches new edition of popular Family Office & Wealth Management Programme

Press Release: 27 Oct 2015, London The world leader in business and finance professional training courses has announced the launch of the latest edition of its popular Family Office and Wealth Management programme. Eureka Financial, a world leader in business and finance training courses, has launched the latest edition of its popular Family Office and […]

Understanding Money Laundering

By Stanley Epstein, Eureka Financial Defining Money Laundering Money laundering is a subject that often is misunderstood by the general public. The goal of many criminal acts is to generate a profit for the individual or a group that carries out the crime. Money laundering is the processing of these criminal proceeds to disguise their […]

FATCA – 6 basic concepts you need to know

By Stanley Epstein, Eureka Financial The United Sates’ Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was written into law in March 2010 and became operative on 1 July 2014. The objective of the legislation was to ensure that United States taxpayers with foreign bank accounts and certain types of offshore (that is non-US) assets complied with […]

Here comes the MiFID II

By Stanley Epstein, Eureka Financial The original Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) came into force in November 2007. MiFID brought competition to the trading procedures in the European Union. Under MiFID investment firms could operate throughout the EU on the basis of the ‘authority’ of their home EU Member State. MiFID also introduces a […]

The Role and Duties of the Board of Directors

By Stanley Epstein, Eureka Financial Defining the role and duties of the Board of Directors When we look at corporate governance we notice immediately that the focal point to which everything flows and from which everything emanates is the board of directors. The board of directors (which I will simply refer to as the ‘board’) […]

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