The Libor effect on derivatives

The UK Court of Appeal is this week hearing two cases in an attempt to determine whether the Libor rate rigging scandal can be considered to be sufficient grounds for invalidating derivatives contracts.  In the first of the cases Barclays attempts to overturn a previous judgement which would see it having to defend in court […]

More difficulties for asset managers and pension funds to access OTC derivatives market

Impact of Dodd-Frank on asset management and pension funds in the US With the new section of Dodd-Frank regulations which came into life on 9th of September, asset managers and pension funds in the US will face more difficulties in accessing the OTC derivatives market as they have to clear the trades through central counterparties. […]

In the news: Repo round-up

ECB temporarily relaxes rules on ASBs With effect from 16 October the European Central Bank (ECB) is imposing higher reporting standards for residential mortgage-backed securities (RMBS) and asset-backed securities (ABS).  However it has agreed to temporarily consider accepting securities which fall short of the standards on a case by case basis and subject to acceptable […]

OTC repo transactions in Russia reach more than RUB120 billion.

According to Securities Lending Times, the value of securities used as collateral for the Bank of Russia’s OTC repo transactions is at the moment more than RUB120 billion. The National Settlement Depository (NSD) provides the collateral management services for the Bank of Russia as well as clearing services and securities and cash settlement to market […]

Proposals for regulations in shadow banking and new standards for multi-listed securities

FSB proposals on shadow banking The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has published proposals to strengthen the oversight and regulation of shadow banking.  The proposals follow on from the 2011 G20 summit in Cannes at which the G20 leaders agreed to take steps to mitigate the risks posed by “that part of the financial system that […]

New Repo tool by FED to affect the short-term lending markets

By Policy makers were briefed by Simon Potter, head of the markets group at the New York Fed, about establishing a “fixed-rate, full-allotment overnight reverse repo” facility. This would operate alongside the Fed’s existing reverse repo facility that is designed to drain the vast amounts of excess reserves from the financial system when official overnight rates […]

ICMA issues covered bond statement

The International Capital Market Association (ICMA) has issued a statement to the credit rating agencies relating to the methodologies used in rating covered bonds.  The statement revolves around the volatility of covered bond ratings in particular and other ratings in general. Acknowledging the challenge of giving a credit opinion “through the cycle” the statement does […]

Tougher regulation in the repo market

The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision may have recommended a minimum 3% capital holding to cover repo deals but globally regulators now seem to be tightening the rules still further.  Within the past month both the US SEC and European regulators have set out proposals for enhanced ratios and larger capital cushions. If implemented Basel […]

Boost to the Triparty Repo Settlement Interoperability

The ICMA European Repo Council has signed a memorandum of understanding with Clearstream, Euroclear and Eurex Clearing, which engages those providers in a joint project focusing on increasing the efficiency of the repo market. Through this agreement Eurex Clearing will be able to extend the connected settlement locations for its secured market pooling with Clearstream to […]

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