Corporate governance becoming key consideration for China PE industry

By: The quality of investments is becoming more important for the private equity industry in China, according to a joint study from Deutsche Borse and CMS Hasche Sigle. As a result of the slowing Chinese economy, of closed IPO exit channels and of the increasing competition in many sectors of the economy, the level […]

Activist Investor Carl Icahn pushes for Apple buyback

By Activist investor Carl Icahn stepped up his campaign for Apple to return cash to investors, saying he had made the case to Tim Cook, the chief executive, for a $150bn buyback. Shares in Apple rose 2.2 per cent to $487.12 on Tuesday, as Mr Icahn tweeted and appeared on cable television to press his argument. Based on the $150bn […]

Is European Venture Capital Sector doing better than expected?

  According to the latest study conducted by  British Private Equity & Venture Capital Association (BVCA), chances of European Venture Capital firms for an IPO exit are comparable to the US VC companies. To find out more read an article on The New Economy Eureka Financial offers over 100 public and in-house training courses in banking […]

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