Top Hedge Fund Managers bet on London

By: Bloomberg London’s fund industry is bouncing back, and U.S. billionaires Steven A. Cohen and Ken Griffin are grabbing a piece of the action. Griffin’s Citadel and Millennium Management, a hedge fund run by Israel Englander, have bulked up in London, where asset growth is outpacing the U.S. Point72 Asset Management, the family office that […]

Main Trends in Collateral Management

By: Securities Lending Times According to the new survey conducted by Sapient Global Markets in March, evolution towards the front office has been identified as one of the main trends for efficient collateral management across global market participants. The research also identifies the efficiency gains required to deliver increased automation and the support systems needed […]

UK leading in the European Hedge Funds sector

By: According to Preqin’s research the majority of new hedge funds setting up in Europe have chosen to do it in the UK. Approximately 50% of all known European hedge fund launches in 2013 and 2014 took place there. (…) The UK far eclipses other countries in Europe in terms of total hedge fund AUM, […]

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