UK leading in the European Hedge Funds sector


According to Preqin’s research the majority of new hedge funds setting up in Europe have chosen to do it in the UK. Approximately 50% of all known European hedge fund launches in 2013 and 2014 took place there. (…)

The UK far eclipses other countries in Europe in terms of total hedge fund AUM, with $423 billion, ahead of Sweden ($34 billion), Switzerland ($31 billion), France ($20 billion) and Netherlands ($9 billion).

There’s a slowdown of new hedge fund managers setting up business in Europe in contrast to North America, which has seen an increase. According to Amy Bensted, head of hedge funds products for Preqin “This can be partially attributed to the AIFMD regulation within Europe, which is deterring some prospective new firms setting up a hedge fund business in the region.”


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