Family Office – Distribution or growth?

By Bill Humphreys, Eureka Financial Ltd In many cases the very purpose of a family office is to provide a mechanism to transfer wealth efficiently across generations and to create a sustainable and enduring legacy. Against this back drop the basic question of whether the family office should focus on “distribution” or “growth” of a […]

Trends in Family Offices and Wealth Management

Notwithstanding the economic slowdown the growth of Family Offices continues at an impressive pace. Globally, it is thought that there are 11,000 family offices in existence and it is expected that this number will continue to grow as the needs of wealthy families become more complex. As successful families become more international in their outlook […]

Wealth Management, Family Governance and Succession Planning: Addressing challenges for family owned businesses in the UAE

RSM Dahman, accounting and auditing firm based in the UAE and a part of RSM International, announced a strategic partnership agreement with Eureka Financial Ltd, a leading wealth management and financial training organisation from the UK to educate and help family business owners across the UAE and the region with Managing the Family Office and […]

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