The evolving position of the Investment Performance Measurement

By: Bill Humphreys The role and position of Performance Measurement in the Asset Management In many asset management businesses Performance Measurement (and attribution) has been hidden in the middle or back office departments and isolated from the investment process itself. Some asset managers rationalize this by saying that the function needs to be totally independent […]

Are Emerging Markets Re-emerging?

Last week was the anniversary of the announcement made by Bernanke which sent shockwaves through financial markets. His statement that the US monetary stimulus could not continue indefinitely was a message no one wanted to hear. (…) Hardest hit were emerging markets as investors decided that less monetary stimulus would lead to a return to the […]

European UCITS through the roof

By: The European investment fund industry saw a surge in demand for UCITS in Q1 of 2014 with the total rising to €148 billion, according to statistics from the European Fund and Asset Management Association (EFAMA). This marks the largest quarterly net inflow since Q1 of 2006 and is a stark contrast when compared […]

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