FATCA – 6 basic concepts you need to know

By Stanley Epstein, Eureka Financial The United Sates’ Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) was written into law in March 2010 and became operative on 1 July 2014. The objective of the legislation was to ensure that United States taxpayers with foreign bank accounts and certain types of offshore (that is non-US) assets complied with […]

Exploring GATCA – The Global FATCA

By: Treasury Insider Last month, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FACTA) came into effect, forcing overseas banks that accept US payments to disclose account information to the IRS or face 30% withholding tax. The OECD has now introduced Automatic Exchange of Information (AEOI) guidelines to help countries standardise these rules for non-US transactions.   Nicknamed “GATCA”, […]

The real cost of FATCA implementation

By: International Adviser FATCA was implemented worldwide at the beginning of this month, but the impact (and costs) are only now just beginning to filter through to the financial services community. (…) The UK Government estimates it will cost UK financial institutions up to £1.6bn to implement FATCA in this country, with ongoing costs of […]

Are you ready for FATCA?

FATCA came into effect on 1st of July requiring foreign banks to report their offshore accounts. To facilitate an orderly transition the United States IRS will refrain from rigorously enforcing many of the requirements during 2014 & 2015, as long as foreign financial institutions (FFIs) are making a good-faith effort to achieve compliance. This partial […]

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