Best Practices in Corporate Governance

Boards are essential for making sure that shareholders are able to properly hold the management team to account. Getting the boardroom dynamics right is the key to success.

Is your board well structured? What kind of person should you take on as a chairman, and do you need non-executive directors? What is the role and competencies of independent directors? How big should the board be and what should board meetings be used for?

All those and many other questions will be answered during a 2 day intensive Corporate Governance course in Dubai. So why not join us and explore current best practices in corporate governance?

Corporate Governance Training– Dubai

This practical 2 day course provides participants with an overview of the regulation and principles behind good corporate governance framework. You will explore the relationship between management, finance, law and ethics and learn to effectively administer corporate relations and to contribute to corporate performance at a senior level within your organisation.

The programme includes many case studies from around the world, exploring the best current practices and standards. For more information and course programme go to our website.

Reserve your place now


Eureka Financial offers over 100 public and in-house training courses in banking and finance, asset management, corporate finance and M&A, compliance, risk management,  investments, wealth management, soft skills and more. For more details visit:

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