Measuring portfolio performance

Moneylife surveys Portfolio Management Schemes

An Indian financial reporting group, Moneylife, has released an interesting survey into the public’s experience of Portfolio Management Schemes (PMS) a popular portfolio management service in India provided to clients by all major brokerage firms, asset management companies and independent experts.  The survey was carried out on the back of a campaign launched by Moneylife to bring transparency into the reporting of PMS performance data.

Over half of the respondents reported having lost money in PMS schemes, perhaps not surprising given the recent financial climate.  However, the survey did highlight investor concerns including excessive churning, lack of data, poor transparency and poor investment decisions by fund managers.  There are currently 253 PMS schemes registered in India and the survey found problems fairly well spread with no clear best or worst performer.

If you want to see details of the survey go to:

Axioma upgrades custom risk modeling

Axioma has announced a partnership with Credit Suisse’s HOLT division.  As a result of the partnership mutual customers will be able to “produce custom risk models with the Risk Model Machine, and to leverage those models for performance attribution, risk analysis and portfolio construction.”

In a similar move US financial services software provider Scivantage has acquired Portfolio Director.  Initially available to advisers, the product is intended eventually to bring transparency to portfolio management. The aim is also to aid portfolio risk management and will include a trend tracking function which may help to build trust in the adviser/client relationship.

If you want to learn more about measuring investment performance the next Eureka Financial course on “Portfolio Performance Measurement and Attribution Analysis covers aspects of performance measurement including the calculation of returns, impact of different benchmarks and adjusting performance for risk taken.


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