M&A Integration: How to do it

The flurry of M&A deals announced in 2011, including AT&T’s agreement to acquire T-Mobile USA, ConAgra’s proposed bid for Ralcorp, and eBay’s acquisition of GSI Commerce, indicate that M&A has returned, and is perhaps headed back to the levels seen before the financial crisis.

Most firms of a certain size will turn to it in their search for growth, forcing almost all managers to face up to the challenge of integration at some point their career. For many managers it is often their first, and only time and M&A is high on the list of things that many managers hate. According to many studies, 50 to 75% M&A transactions turn out to be a failure. One of the main reasons for failure is late or wrong integration or bad integration management. There is a significant demand for more information on best practice in Post Merger Integration.

If you want to find out more about the M&A Integration process, attend a very practical 2 day course in London delivered by Danny Davis, an experienced expert in the topic. Danny has also published a book “M&A Integration: How to do it.” in which he demonstrates how to handle the post-merger integration process and shows how to restructure, consolidate, reduce costs, create efficiencies and perform M&A, from smaller transactions to mega-mergers. The focus is on integration planning and delivery.

If you want to find out more about the course go to Post-Acquisition Integration Strategies course organised by Eureka Financial.

For more information about the book go to eu.Wiley.com

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